friendship force


Wellington Cable Car
Chafers Marina
Wellington City from Kelburn
Civic Square
Cruise Ship Docked in Wellington Harbour
A Pod of Dolphins
Evans Bay Wellington
Frank Kitts Lagoon Wellington
Frank Kitts Park Wellington Ariel View
Fireworks Over Wellington Harbour
Kiwi Logo
Experience different views.
Discover common ground.


  • Official Name: The Friendship Force of Wellington Inc

  • Club Membership: 35

  • Maximum number of Ambassadors our club can host: 8-18 more if doubles, less if singles

  • Hosting capability: The minimum number of ambassadors we host is 4 and the maximum is 20. Length of stay is 5-7 nights, for an international journey, and 3 - 4  nights for a domestic journey. As Wellington is built on 7 hills ambassadors should be able to walk reasonable distances unaided. We do not cater for children., and our club expects that all incoming guests are well-informed friendship force members.

  • The closest Major Airport: is Wellington. Most international flights come via Auckland - after clearing immigration and customs there is a one-hour flight to Wellington. Flights from Australia to Wellington either come in mid-afternoon or midnight. Please avoid the midnight flights as most members live north of the city. The exchange can start the next morning if the Ambassadors stay at a local hotel. if arriving in Auckland there is a stunning Northern Explorer train journey from Auckland to Wellington

  • Email address:

Wellington is the capital city of New Zealand with a population of around 450,000 for the region.. It is a hilly city built around a magnificent harbour, with a compact CBD. We are also quite well known for having a bit of wind! But Wellington on a good day is hard to beat.

The Friendship Force of Wellington was established on 5th March 1985 and we have been active since then in the promotion of Friendship Force exchanges and club activities. Members have enjoyed hosting many groups from other countries and shared special experiences of Outward Exchanges with friends from our own or other New Zealand clubs.

Our elected committee works with Friendship Force International in Atlanta in the organisation and management of exchange programmes. We are proud of our record of quality journeys. The focus is on "FACES not PLACES", sharing our lifestyle, culture and our beautiful city with our new friends. Inward journeys are a whole club affair, with a week-long programme being organised for our overseas guests. The programme is varied to meet incoming clubs' needs and expectations, and will usually include:

  • Welcome. This may include a school visit with a Kapa Haka (Maori) Group. 

  • A city bus tour by car, with our own local tour guide.

  • A visit to Te Papa, the National Museum of New Zealand.

  • An inner-city walk with our own guide, and an optional visit to Parliament.

  • Riding the Cable Car and walking through the Botanic Gardens.

  • Other options may include art galleries, Wellington Museum, Zealandia, Matiu-Soames Island, Weta workshop and Lord of the Rings sites.Walks in first generation bushland, Beautiful walks with amazing scenery.

  • Time with hosts. Hosts will try and take Ambassadors to places of particular interest to them.

  • Farewell dinner with music from our own club or fun activities

Our club has a social committee, which organises functions such as pot-luck dinners, lunch rambles, and coffee mornings between journeys. This helps promote a strong base of friendship within our club. On 17th February 2015, our club celebrated our 30th anniversary, attended by a representative from Atlanta, Field Representatives, past and current members. The excellent meal was followed by dancing to a very lively band comprising club members. Our links with Atlanta and attendance at National and International conferences ensure that we are up to date with changes taking place in FF International, to promote active, growing and healthy clubs.

So, if you would like a week of great Kiwi culture and friendship, come down under and visit Wellington as part of an FF journey. We will meet you on arrival whether it be by plane, bus, boat or train.

For further information: Lynnda Bouzaid (President) @  

For more information about the Wellington region, click on “Wellington” under the "About" menu.

Updated  June 2024