friendship force


Wellington Cable Car
Chafers Marina
Wellington City from Kelburn
Civic Square
Cruise Ship Docked in Wellington Harbour
A Pod of Dolphins
Evans Bay Wellington
Frank Kitts Lagoon Wellington
Frank Kitts Park Wellington Ariel View
Fireworks Over Wellington Harbour
Kiwi Logo

Select from the list below:

Club Guidelines.


The Friendship Force of Wellington Inc. “the club” agrees to these policies for the smooth running, continuity, and ongoing operations of the club. Policies agreed to by the committee (of the club) shall be binding and can only be changed, deleted, or amended by a majority vote at an AGM. Anything in these policies must not contravene or over-ride the registered constitution (rules) of the club. The club accepts, as operational guidelines, the policies of Friendship Force International, Atlanta, USA.


1. Committee rotation.

It is recommended each year, at least one committee member shall stand down to allow for new member/s to be elected to the committee.  In the event that there are more vacancies than candidates then this policy may be waived.


2. Committee

As per the constitution, all members of the committee are elected for a period of one year but may stand for re-election at subsequent AGMs. It is recommended that the maximum term for a president be three consecutive years but may then stand for re-election at future AGMs. There is no restriction on the term for a committee member. 


3. A. Outbound journeys

Members participating on outbound journeys are requested to take, and wear when directed by the AC (Ambassador Co-ordinator), the black NZ Friendship Force shirt and Friendship Force name badge.


3. B. A member may not participate in an outbound journey unless:

  • They have home hosted an ambassador, or
  • Have day hosted, or,
  • Dinner hosted, or
  • Participated in some way to an inbound journey or
  • Have committed in some way to the next inbound.


4. Communications.

Club communications shall normally be by email.


5. Outbound journey destinations

Each year, members will be canvassed regarding their choice of destinations.


6. Journey committees

It is recommended that an inbound journey committee consist of a minimum of 4 members.  If possible a “new” member should be invited onto the committee. One member shall be appointed the Host Co ordinator, HC. An outbound journey committee should consist of a minimum  of 3 members. This policy applies to all journey types.


7. Special membership

The committee may from time to time create a special category of membership and subscription to accommodate specific circumstances, eg. Where a person wishes to be a member of 2 clubs.


8. Code of conduct.

At the 2016 AGM the club approved, by resolution, to adopt a code of conduct. All ambassadors, both domestic and international, are expected to comply with the code. Copy below.


9. Friends of The Club 

At the 2021 AGM, the club approved by resolution to create the category of Friends of The Club as described here: 

“That the category of “Friends of The Club” be added. Such a “Friend” will be entitled to benefits of participating in the Club activities but may not participate in domestic or outbound journeys. The “Friend” option is only available to existing full members who have contributed to the club over several years and can no longer participate fully in wider FF activities. Friends oof the Club are encouraged to contribute to the running and activities of the club.


10.  National conferences and National Gatherings

The club will reimburse registration fees (early bird fees only) for up to 2 members (as per the constitution) to attend national conference/National Gathering.


11.  New members

Prospective members must apply for membership on the approved application form. Applications must be reviewed by the committee. If an application is accepted by the committee it cannot be confirmed until 2 members appointed by the committee have visited the prospective member/s in their home and their circumstances deemed satisfactory to the aims of Friendship Force. At this point the visiting members may recommend confirmation or declination to the committee


12. Gifts.

  • As our club and indeed most clubs world wide do not have clubrooms or appropriate storage, it is club policy not to give “club to club” gifts. This policy should be communicated to inbound and outbound hosts and ambassador co ordinators.
  • Our club recommends that ambassadors on outbound journeys give their host/s a gift to the approximate value of at least NZ$50. This is in addition to taking and paying for (once) the host/s dinner or meal. AND, this is in addition to helping out with costs where appropriate.


13.  Recruitment

For the 2015/16 year the committee resolved to activate the following recruitment guidelines:

  • Prospective members would be invited to attend relevant social events (including the AGM), where opportunities to learn about the club’s journey activities could be highlighted.
  • It has been shown that the best methods of recruitment are via the enthusiastic approach by existing members.
  • Any enquires sourced via the national or club websites are personally responded to promptly.
  • The club also has a face book presence.


14. Social

  • The club accepts that social activities (in addition to journey activities) are desirable to promote the cohesion of the club. Such activities are to be co-ordinated through the committee but not necessarily by the committee.
  • The club shall not pre-purchase any theatre tickets, meals or entrance fees to events unless those members wishing to partake in those activities have paid in advance.
  • It is club policy not to have naked flames at social functions, eg candles.


15. Guidelines Review

The committee of the club shall review these policies at intervals not exceeding 3 years.

Date approved by the committee:  October 2021

Secretary. Jaye Howey

President.  Lynnda Bouzaid

Approved by AGM. November 2021


2 December 2021………………….Last updated: 



This Code of Conduct has been drawn up to ensure that all ambassadors on an outward journey run by the Wellington Friendship Force are aware of the expectations of the ambassador co ordinator and of other ambassadors on the journey, in order to ensure everyone involved is able to relax and enjoy themselves and get the maximum benefit from their journey experience.

  1. I acknowledge that the ambassador co ordinator (AC) of this journey has been given authority by Friendship Force International to lead and conduct this journey in the best interests of all parties concerned.  I agree to follow the directions and instructions of the AC at all times.
  2. As an ambassador, I am aware that my actions reflect on the club and the country from which I travel.  I will conduct myself in an exemplary manner at all times.
  3. I will travel with a positive, open mind and remember that I am a guest in a foreign country and have no rights to criticise people, customs or government. 
  4. I undertake to take a full part in all the scheduled activities of the journey, unless the scheduled activities have been clearly described as optional.
  5. When travelling between journeys I agree that I will follow the instructions and directions of the AC and will not deviate from what has been arranged without the clear consent of the AC.
  6. I will not at any time criticise my hosts to the other ambassadors, or listen to them criticise their hosts to me.  If any difficulties are encountered with a host I agree to raise these with the AC only.
  7. I will respect my hosts’ privacy by not taking or sharing photographs of the inside of their home without their permission.
  8. I will be willing to help offset the costs of my hosts by offering to buy lunches or other casual meals as well as take them out to dinner on one occasion for each journey, and will contribute to other costs when appropriate.
  9. I will at all times consider the needs of other ambassadors and my hosts, and will not put my own needs before those of others.
  10. I will ensure I am positive and respectful at all times, and will consider the impact on others of what I say and my reaction to situations.


Be yourself, but be your BEST self!